Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Glance Back at 2015

2015 was a year of growth, laughter, and adventure. Here's a brief gaze into 15 of my favorite documented memory brimmed days.

Nothing quite like a New Year's Day spent in San Francisco. 

Dancing took place in the moonlight. 

No adventure is complete without a few wrong turns right? Galentines day took place with pressed paninis, a picnic blanket, and of course plenty of conversation hearts. 

Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein. Castles ruins were explored.

A red carpet was walked. Horrific heels were trudged in.  

A graduation of grandeur occurred. 

Boutiques were perused. Homemade peach ice cream was devoured. 

Sunshine and snorkeling. No reception, no problem. 

Tangerine snow cones were licked. My favorite coney was by my companion. 
Coffee shops, mountains, and puppies were spied.

Pumpkins were picked. Heavy clothes donned. It was 90 degrees. Sigh.
Bare feet. Great music. 48 hours of pure bliss.

Immense laughter, further bonded friendships both new and old. Columbus the compass. 

Beignets. Art. Coffee. Family. My kind of day. 

Even through horrific traffic, laughter and fuzzy hearts prevailed. Crinkly eyes and shiny grins were made visible in the dimness through festive glow. 

I hope you all have a wonderful 2016 and please remember that, "the new year means nothing if you are still in love with your comfort zone."

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for the 2016 Liebster Award! For more info, visit The Reading Hideaway. Congrats and hope to hear from you soon!
